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Rachèl Carrière
June 27, 1960 - April 8, 2017
Rachèl Carrière
It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of Rachèl Carrière, on April 8th, 2017. Daughter of Lina Richard and Joseph Carrière, both predeceased. She died peacefully, surrounded by her loving family, at the age of 56 years at the Palliative Centre at the Elisabeth Bruyère Hospital after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer.
She leaves in sorrow her three children that she adored and who adored her in return: Hugo Marin, Cédric Marin and Mercedes Marin as well as her son-in law, Patrice Labrosse. She was the well loved little sister to Rosemary Ross (John Ross, predeceased) and to Richard Carrière and his spouse Louise Picard. Rachèl will be sadly missed by all her family including her nieces, (Renée, Marie-Andrée and Heather), her aunts, her uncles and her many cousins.
Rachèl was known for her sense of adventure. One of her early adventures was participating in the Katimavik Program where she worked as a volunteer across Canada for one year. She had many stories to tell from this experience such as learning to drive an 18-wheeler on a prairie farm. Rachèl also had a love for hiking and appreciation for nature. This early interest was surprisingly not deterred by her experience planting trees in Chapleau in clouds of black flies and mosquitos.
After graduating from the University of Ottawa, Rachèl enjoyed a successful 33 year career with Canada Post where she was a manager in the Marketing Division. She was known as a dedicated, skilled employee who had a wonderful sense of humour and who was always thoughtful and kind to others. She cared deeply for her colleagues and she was dearly loved by her Canada Post family.
With her natural beauty and her interest in fashion she had always been interested in modeling. She had recently been in several fashion shows as well as TV commercials and had planned to pursue this interest after her retirement.
Rachèl had a keen passion for life but her greatest passion was for her three children. The love between Rachèl and her children was remarkable. She was an amazing mother and this was evident right up to her final days as she guided her children through the final challenge of her end of life - a journey they faced together. Her love and her faith helped her to face her illness with incredible strength and determination. She had the gift of inspiring those around her by sowing seeds of kindness and tenderness. We will certainly miss her but the seeds she has planted in all who knew her will continue to grow and whenever we witness or carry out acts of kindness, we will always sense her presence in our lives and in our hearts.
The family has been overwhelmed by the support and caring they have received from family, friends and health personnel during this difficult time. We cannot thank you all enough for your kind support.
A special thank you goes to Dr. Guillaume Martel and Dr. Rachel Goodwin and the nursing teams at the Ottawa General and the Queensway Carleton Hospital for the exceptional care received. Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Lucas Badenduck and the amazing nursing staff of the Palliative Unit of the Elisabeth Bruyère Hospital where Rachel spent her last weeks of life. We are forever grateful for their excellent care as well as their constant encouragement, reassurance, sensitivity and compassion.
The family wishes to express « un gros merci » to Dr Francois Laflêche for his ongoing support and dedication over the years, not only as a family physician but also as a much appreciated friend of the family.
And finally, what can we say to her close and loyal circle of friends. Our warmest thanks to each and every one of you for your constant support and caring, for the food, the flowers, the church music and the list goes on. For Rachèl, you were her second family and she loved you all.
Finally, we would like to share a tribute Rachèl received from a professional who had her as a client for many years. We feel her words capture particularly well the impact that Rachèl had on those who were privileged to have known her.
“I also wanted to let you know (if you don’t already) what a special person you are. I have been doing my job for 30 years and without question, you are one of the kindest, warmest, most beautiful clients I have had the pleasure of knowing. You are beautiful, inside and out and I feel lucky to have had the privilege and pleasure of working with you. I have no doubt that how well your children are doing is on account of the tremendous mother and stellar role model you have been.”
Friends may pay their respects at Kelly Funeral Home Barrhaven Chapel, 3000 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean, on Wednesday April 12th, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral mass will be held at Saint-Rémi Church, 2821 Dumaurier Avenue, Ottawa, on Thursday, April 13th at 11a.m.
Donations to the Canadian Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer would be greatly appreciated.
C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Rachèl Carrière, le 8 avril,2017. Fille de feu Lina Richard et de feu Joseph Carrière, elle est décédée paisiblement, à l’âge de 56 ans, au Centre palliatif de l’Hôpital Bruyère après une bataille courageuse contre le cancer du pancréas. Entourée d'amour, elle a été accompagnée jusqu'à son dernier souffle par sa famille et ses amies proches.
Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants qu’elle adore et qui l’adorent en retour: Hugo Marin, Cédric Marin, Mercédes Marin et son conjoint Patrice Labrosse. Elle était la petite sœur bien aimée de Rosemary Ross (feu John Ross) et de Richard Carrière et sa conjointe Louise Picard. Rachèl avait un amour profond pour toute sa famille et était bien-aimée par ses nièces (Renée, Marie-Andrée et Heather) ainsi que ses oncles, ses tantes et ses cousins, cousines.
Rachèl a démontré très tôt son goût de l’aventure en participant au programme de Katimavik où elle a eu l’occasion de travailler comme bénévole à travers le Canada. Sa passion pour le « hiking » et la nature a aussi débuté tôt et a persisté, même après son expérience de planter des arbres à Chapleau dans un nuage de moustiques. Diplômée de l’Université d’Ottawa, elle a travaillé à Postes Canada pendant 33 ans, faisant partie de l’équipe de gestion du département de Marketing. Elle était reconnue pour son dévouement, ses compétences exceptionnelles, son sens d’humour et son grand coeur. Elle était grandement aimée par sa famille de Postes Canada.
Avec sa beauté naturelle, elle s’est toujours intéressée au « modeling » et récemment, elle a participé à plusieurs défilés de mode ainsi qu’à des annonces publicitaires à la télévision. Elle planifiait poursuivre cette carrière après sa retraite.
Elle avait une passion pour la vie, mais sa plus grande passion, c’était pour ses trois enfants. Elle était une mère exemplaire; et l’amour entre Rachèl et ses enfants est sans limites. Elle se dévouait corps et âme et, même à la fin de ses jours, elle les réconfortait et les guidait dans cette dernière étape de sa vie. Son amour et sa foi ont sans aucun doute contribué à son courage exceptionnel.
Tous ceux qui l’ont connue ont été inspirés par son don merveilleux de semer l’amour et la bonté autour d’elle. C’est certain qu'elle nous manquera beaucoup, mais ce qu’elle a semé continue à s’épanouir dans chacun de nous. Avec chaque geste de bonté et de tendresse qu’on aperçoit ou qu’on fait, on ressent sa présence avec son petit sourire taquin. Ainsi, elle restera toujours dans nos vies et dans nos coeurs.
La famille a été tellement touchée par l’appui et la générosité de la famille, les amis et le personnel médical. D’abord, la famille tient à remercier Dr Guillaume Martel et Dre Rachel Goodwin ainsi que le personnel de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa et de l’hôpital Queensway Carleton pour les soins exceptionnels. Un gros merci à Dr Lucas Badenduck et le merveilleux personnel de l’Unité des soins palliatifs à l’Hôpital Élisabeth Bruyère où Rachèl a passé ses dernières semaines. Il est impossible d’exprimer à quel point on a apprécié les excellents soins ainsi que leur encouragement et leur compassion.
Un merci très spécial au Dr Francois Laflêche pour son appui et dévouement pendant des années, non seulement comme médecin mais comme ami bien apprécié de la famille. Et que dire du cercle d’amies proches de Rachèl. Un gros merci pour votre appui constant, les fleurs, la bouffe, les chants aux funérailles et la liste continue. Pour Rachèl, vous étiez sa deuxième famille qu’elle aimait profondément.
On aimerait vous partager un témoignage d’une professionnelle qui a eu Rachèl comme cliente pendant plusieurs années. Elle capte bien l’impact que Rachèl avait sur ceux qui ont eu le privilège de la connaitre.
“I also wanted to let you know (if you don’t already) what a special person you are. I have been doing my job for 30 years and without question, you are one of the kindest, warmest, most beautiful clients I have had the pleasure of knowing. You are beautiful, inside and out and I feel lucky to have had the privilege and pleasure of working with you. I have no doubt that how well your children are doing is on account of the tremendous mother and stellar role model you have been.”
La famille vous accueillera au Kelly’s Funeral Home de Barrhaven, 3000 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean, Ontario le mercredi le 12 avril de 14h00 à 16h00 et de 19h00 à 21h00. Un service funéraire sera célébré à l’église St Rémi, 2821 Dumaurier Ave, Ottawa, le jeudi le 13 avril à 11h00. La famille serait reconnaissante de dons commémoratifs à la Fondation du Cancer du pancréas Canada. (
It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of Rachèl Carrière, on April 8th, 2017. Daughter of Lina Richard and Joseph Carrière, both predeceased. She died peacefully, surrounded by her loving family, at the age of 56 years at the Palliative Centre at the Elisabeth Bruyère Hospital after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer.
She leaves in sorrow her three children that she adored and who adored her in return: Hugo Marin, Cédric Marin and Mercedes Marin as well as her son-in law, Patrice Labrosse. She was the well loved little sister to Rosemary Ross (John Ross, predeceased) and to Richard Carrière and his spouse Louise Picard. Rachèl will be sadly missed by all her family including her nieces, (Renée, Marie-Andrée and Heather), her aunts, her uncles and her many cousins.
Rachèl was known for her sense of adventure. One of her early adventures was participating in the Katimavik Program where she worked as a volunteer across Canada for one year. She had many stories to tell from this experience such as learning to drive an 18-wheeler on a prairie farm. Rachèl also had a love for hiking and appreciation for nature. This early interest was surprisingly not deterred by her experience planting trees in Chapleau in clouds of black flies and mosquitos.
After graduating from the University of Ottawa, Rachèl enjoyed a successful 33 year career with Canada Post where she was a manager in the Marketing Division. She was known as a dedicated, skilled employee who had a wonderful sense of humour and who was always thoughtful and kind to others. She cared deeply for her colleagues and she was dearly loved by her Canada Post family.
With her natural beauty and her interest in fashion she had always been interested in modeling. She had recently been in several fashion shows as well as TV commercials and had planned to pursue this interest after her retirement.
Rachèl had a keen passion for life but her greatest passion was for her three children. The love between Rachèl and her children was remarkable. She was an amazing mother and this was evident right up to her final days as she guided her children through the final challenge of her end of life - a journey they faced together. Her love and her faith helped her to face her illness with incredible strength and determination. She had the gift of inspiring those around her by sowing seeds of kindness and tenderness. We will certainly miss her but the seeds she has planted in all who knew her will continue to grow and whenever we witness or carry out acts of kindness, we will always sense her presence in our lives and in our hearts.
The family has been overwhelmed by the support and caring they have received from family, friends and health personnel during this difficult time. We cannot thank you all enough for your kind support.
A special thank you goes to Dr. Guillaume Martel and Dr. Rachel Goodwin and the nursing teams at the Ottawa General and the Queensway Carleton Hospital for the exceptional care received. Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Lucas Badenduck and the amazing nursing staff of the Palliative Unit of the Elisabeth Bruyère Hospital where Rachel spent her last weeks of life. We are forever grateful for their excellent care as well as their constant encouragement, reassurance, sensitivity and compassion.
The family wishes to express « un gros merci » to Dr Francois Laflêche for his ongoing support and dedication over the years, not only as a family physician but also as a much appreciated friend of the family.
And finally, what can we say to her close and loyal circle of friends. Our warmest thanks to each and every one of you for your constant support and caring, for the food, the flowers, the church music and the list goes on. For Rachèl, you were her second family and she loved you all.
Finally, we would like to share a tribute Rachèl received from a professional who had her as a client for many years. We feel her words capture particularly well the impact that Rachèl had on those who were privileged to have known her.
“I also wanted to let you know (if you don’t already) what a special person you are. I have been doing my job for 30 years and without question, you are one of the kindest, warmest, most beautiful clients I have had the pleasure of knowing. You are beautiful, inside and out and I feel lucky to have had the privilege and pleasure of working with you. I have no doubt that how well your children are doing is on account of the tremendous mother and stellar role model you have been.”
Friends may pay their respects at Kelly Funeral Home Barrhaven Chapel, 3000 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean, on Wednesday April 12th, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral mass will be held at Saint-Rémi Church, 2821 Dumaurier Avenue, Ottawa, on Thursday, April 13th at 11a.m.
Donations to the Canadian Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer would be greatly appreciated.
C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Rachèl Carrière, le 8 avril,2017. Fille de feu Lina Richard et de feu Joseph Carrière, elle est décédée paisiblement, à l’âge de 56 ans, au Centre palliatif de l’Hôpital Bruyère après une bataille courageuse contre le cancer du pancréas. Entourée d'amour, elle a été accompagnée jusqu'à son dernier souffle par sa famille et ses amies proches.
Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants qu’elle adore et qui l’adorent en retour: Hugo Marin, Cédric Marin, Mercédes Marin et son conjoint Patrice Labrosse. Elle était la petite sœur bien aimée de Rosemary Ross (feu John Ross) et de Richard Carrière et sa conjointe Louise Picard. Rachèl avait un amour profond pour toute sa famille et était bien-aimée par ses nièces (Renée, Marie-Andrée et Heather) ainsi que ses oncles, ses tantes et ses cousins, cousines.
Rachèl a démontré très tôt son goût de l’aventure en participant au programme de Katimavik où elle a eu l’occasion de travailler comme bénévole à travers le Canada. Sa passion pour le « hiking » et la nature a aussi débuté tôt et a persisté, même après son expérience de planter des arbres à Chapleau dans un nuage de moustiques. Diplômée de l’Université d’Ottawa, elle a travaillé à Postes Canada pendant 33 ans, faisant partie de l’équipe de gestion du département de Marketing. Elle était reconnue pour son dévouement, ses compétences exceptionnelles, son sens d’humour et son grand coeur. Elle était grandement aimée par sa famille de Postes Canada.
Avec sa beauté naturelle, elle s’est toujours intéressée au « modeling » et récemment, elle a participé à plusieurs défilés de mode ainsi qu’à des annonces publicitaires à la télévision. Elle planifiait poursuivre cette carrière après sa retraite.
Elle avait une passion pour la vie, mais sa plus grande passion, c’était pour ses trois enfants. Elle était une mère exemplaire; et l’amour entre Rachèl et ses enfants est sans limites. Elle se dévouait corps et âme et, même à la fin de ses jours, elle les réconfortait et les guidait dans cette dernière étape de sa vie. Son amour et sa foi ont sans aucun doute contribué à son courage exceptionnel.
Tous ceux qui l’ont connue ont été inspirés par son don merveilleux de semer l’amour et la bonté autour d’elle. C’est certain qu'elle nous manquera beaucoup, mais ce qu’elle a semé continue à s’épanouir dans chacun de nous. Avec chaque geste de bonté et de tendresse qu’on aperçoit ou qu’on fait, on ressent sa présence avec son petit sourire taquin. Ainsi, elle restera toujours dans nos vies et dans nos coeurs.
La famille a été tellement touchée par l’appui et la générosité de la famille, les amis et le personnel médical. D’abord, la famille tient à remercier Dr Guillaume Martel et Dre Rachel Goodwin ainsi que le personnel de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa et de l’hôpital Queensway Carleton pour les soins exceptionnels. Un gros merci à Dr Lucas Badenduck et le merveilleux personnel de l’Unité des soins palliatifs à l’Hôpital Élisabeth Bruyère où Rachèl a passé ses dernières semaines. Il est impossible d’exprimer à quel point on a apprécié les excellents soins ainsi que leur encouragement et leur compassion.
Un merci très spécial au Dr Francois Laflêche pour son appui et dévouement pendant des années, non seulement comme médecin mais comme ami bien apprécié de la famille. Et que dire du cercle d’amies proches de Rachèl. Un gros merci pour votre appui constant, les fleurs, la bouffe, les chants aux funérailles et la liste continue. Pour Rachèl, vous étiez sa deuxième famille qu’elle aimait profondément.
On aimerait vous partager un témoignage d’une professionnelle qui a eu Rachèl comme cliente pendant plusieurs années. Elle capte bien l’impact que Rachèl avait sur ceux qui ont eu le privilège de la connaitre.
“I also wanted to let you know (if you don’t already) what a special person you are. I have been doing my job for 30 years and without question, you are one of the kindest, warmest, most beautiful clients I have had the pleasure of knowing. You are beautiful, inside and out and I feel lucky to have had the privilege and pleasure of working with you. I have no doubt that how well your children are doing is on account of the tremendous mother and stellar role model you have been.”
La famille vous accueillera au Kelly’s Funeral Home de Barrhaven, 3000 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean, Ontario le mercredi le 12 avril de 14h00 à 16h00 et de 19h00 à 21h00. Un service funéraire sera célébré à l’église St Rémi, 2821 Dumaurier Ave, Ottawa, le jeudi le 13 avril à 11h00. La famille serait reconnaissante de dons commémoratifs à la Fondation du Cancer du pancréas Canada. (